Tag: dailycreate

  • Weekly Summary

    by Andrew Johnson Daily Creates & Video Project To start off this week, I wanted to complete my daily creates first then work on my video project. My first daily create, Daily Create: 04/10, was a poem about nature and its majestic aspects. Two of the daily creates this week incorporated the use of poems,…

  • Daily Create: 04/12

    by Andrew Johnson “But the Raven still beguiling all my fancy into smiling,Straight I wheeled a cushioned seat in front of bird, and bust and door;Then upon the velvet sinking, I betook myself to linkingFancy unto fancy, thinking what this ominous bird of yore-What this grim, ungainly, ghastly, gaunt and ominous bird of yore              Meant in croaking “Nevermore.”

  • Daily Create: 04/11

    by Andrew Johnson “On the internet, nobody knows how old you may be.” In terms of gaming, you have no idea how old the player(s) are when you are online. The only way is to probably ask, but many times people aren’t joining party channels to ask how old someone is.

  • Daily Create: 04/10

    by Andrew Johnson Nonet Poem: Majestic mountains reach for the sky, Capped with snow, a breathtaking high. Forests green, a symphony of life, Teeming with nature, free from strife. Rivers flow, a soothing lullaby, Valleys deep, a pastoral ally. Flowers bloom, a vibrant display, Wildlife thrives, a wondrous array. Nature’s gift. My poem celebrates the…

  • Weekly Summary

    by Andrew Johnson Watch, Read, Listen Listen & Read: Another assignment I wanted to complete was listening to ds106 Radio and producing a post about my listening experience. Here’s the link, Listening Experience. I found all the radio shows to be full of engagement. The ones I listened to engaged the listener to different aspects…

  • Daily Create: 04/05

    by Andrew Johnson This is my trading card, George Paul II. He is a primary pitcher but can also play Second Base, Short Stop, and Center Field. He is listed as 6’7 (height), 205 (lbs), with a solid lower half build. Hopefully, in a few years, he will be worth a hefty penny on the…

  • Daily Create: 04/04

    by Andrew Johnson When I searched ds106 on google.com this was one of the images that popped up lol. I don’t know what ds106 has to do with cereal dispensers so this is what made me laugh about the whole thing. Here’s the link if you want to check it out https://www.katom.com/209-DS106.html.

  • Weekly Summary: 8

    by Andrew Johnson This week I started by making my three daily creations that were required. Listed in order; Daily Dragons, Fractalized Art, and What’s your Addiction? My favorite of the three daily creations was “My Addiction” because Battlefield 1 was and still is the best masterpiece of gaming I have ever been a part…

  • Earthy Elements

    by Andrew Johnson A little log cabin in the middle of the great outdoors, with snowflakes uttering down from above.

  • Stuck in 1945

    by Andrew Johnson I tried to depict an image representing a gentleman listening to the news over his broadcasting system in 1945. His facial expression indicates an excited look, perhaps hearing that the war in Europe is finally over.