Just as is Sets

by Andrew Johnson’

The week started with the production of two daily creates. The first create was my blog post called “Stuck in 1945” and my second “Earthly Elements,” if you haven’t already, I recommend giving them a view.

Next, I decided to produce three of the assigned video assignments from the Assignment Bank. The first video assignment, “Winning = Championships,” comes from the movie Moneyball, which is a fan favorite among sports enthusiasts, for more info, check out my blog! My second video assignment, “My Dog Max,” is a real-life TikTok I produced with my dog Max, whom I’ve had since I was 9 years old, for all those dog lovers, go take a look! My last video assignment for the week, “Childhood Comedy,” comes as a childhood memory, as Tom & Jerry is an awesome show, y’all should tune in!! To produce all my video assignments this week, I used a list of programs such as Youtube, iMovie, and Apple Music.

To conclude week six of ds106, I did write about Aggressive Technologies and their ties to my course character, “Technologies Beyond.” I incorporated some new and interesting aspects to my character Jonathan that allow blog readers to experience his backstory.





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